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Showing posts from August, 2019

Road to a Complete NES & SNES Game Collection...

So I've decided to make the exceptionally foolish decision to start two collections. Not only do I want to complete a NTSC Nintendo NES set (including a copy of Stadium Events & NWC), but also a complete NTSC Super Nintendo set. Crazy right? Well, I can be a crazy person. Why would you want to do such a thing? You might ask. Especially during such a tumultuous time in the retro gaming community, considering the rapidly fluctuating prices. Why not just be happy with flash carts or emulation? Perhaps Retro Pi and call it a day. I this I say nah, full collection for my top two consoles all the way.  Why not?  As a boy, I've always dreamed of having most if not all SNES & NES games possible in a large game room. I feel I owe it to myself to finally come through on this dream, no matter how obnoxious and silly. Also to be frank, I sincerely love the hunt of it all -- going out in the wild and hunting down games on the cheap, then adding them to my personal col...

A Random Reintroduction

Eyy, welcome to my humble blog! I've decided to once again try my hand at blogging (my original blog on hunting a FFXI relic weapon:, and see how far I can go with it/ A bit older and wiser about how I present myself, but still a child at heart. I figuring I'll use this blog to talk about my passion -- retro video games, and retro tech! It'll also double as an outlet for polishing up my writing skills, however random and interesting they can be. So to whoever decides to spend the 2-3 minutes to read this, welcome!